Mechanized floor screed in Bratsk | Price from 720 rub.
Mechanized floor screed in Bratsk is an innovative method that provides fast, smooth and durable coverage.

Mechanized semi-dry floor screed in Bratsk

Mechanized semi-dry floor screed
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed
Welcome to the world of innovative construction technologies! Our company specializes in mechanized semi-dry floor screed in Bratsk, offering you modern and effective solutions for creating the perfect foundations of your premises.

Advantages Of Mechanized Semi-Dry Floor Screed:

1. Speed and Efficiency:

The mechanized screed process allows you to quickly and evenly distribute the construction compound, significantly reducing the time required to complete the work. This is especially valuable in a construction environment where every day counts.

2. Smooth Surface:

Specialized machines guarantee the creation of a perfectly smooth surface without dents and protrusions. This is a key factor for successful installation of various floor coverings.
Mechanized screed process
Mechanized screed process
Mechanized semi-dry screed operation
Mechanized semi-dry screed operation

3. Save Resources:

Mechanized semi-dry screed in Bratsk requires less moisture than traditional methods, which saves resources and speeds up the screed drying process.

4. Improved Durability:

Modern compositions for semi-dry screed have high strength and wear resistance, making the floor more durable and resistant to mechanical influences.

5. Automated Quality Control:

Many mechanized systems are equipped with sensors and automatic control systems, which eliminates the human factor and guarantees high quality floor screed.

Technological Process of Mechanized Semi-Dry Screed in Bratsk:

1. Preparation Of The Base:

The surface of the base is thoroughly cleaned of dust, debris and other impurities. If necessary, repair of damaged areas is carried out.

2. Setting Limiters:

Special limiters are installed that determine the height of the future screed. This ensures a uniform layer of material over the entire area.
Technological Process Of Mechanized Semi-Dry Screed
Technological Process Of Mechanized Semi-Dry Screed
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job

3. Preparation Of The Mixture:

Specialized machines prepare a mixture of cement, sand and other components, ensuring optimal ratio and quality.

4. Applying The Mixture:

The machines automatically apply the mixture to the prepared surface, ensuring an even distribution of the material.

5. Manual Correction:

If necessary, manual correction of the areas is carried out to achieve perfect smoothness and evenness.

6. Quality Control:

After completion of the work, quality control is carried out, which includes checking the layer thickness, absence of defects and compliance with the requirements.

7. Drying out:

The mixture is left to dry, and within a short time a strong and even floor covering is created.
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job

Application of Mechanized Semi-Dry Screed in Bratsk:

Mechanized semi-dry floor screed in Bratsk is widely used in various types of buildings, including residential, commercial and industrial facilities. This method is ideal for creating a foundation before laying various floor coverings, such as carpet, linoleum, parquet, tiles and many others.


We are proud to provide advanced mechanized semi-dry floor screed technology in Bratsk. Our experience, professional approach and commitment to quality make us a reliable partner for your construction projects. Please contact us to get reliable, smooth and solid foundations for your premises.
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is our job
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is an innovative approach to leveling floor surfaces.
playMechanized semi-dry floor screed
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed
Mechanized semi-dry floor screed is an innovative approach to leveling floor surfaces.
playMechanized semi-dry floor screed

Mechanized Semi-Dry Floor Screed: Innovations in Construction

In the world of construction technologies, innovations are emerging that significantly improve processes and results. One of the most advanced methods of floor screed is mechanized semi-dry screed, which combines efficiency, quality and reduced work time.

Principle Of Mechanized Semi-Dry Floor Screed

This method is based on the use of specialized mechanisms designed to accurately distribute the construction composition on the prepared surface. This ensures a uniform coating and minimizes the possibility of defects.

Advantages Of Mechanized Semi-Dry Floor Screed:

  1. Speed and Efficiency:
    • The mechanized process significantly speeds up the execution of work compared to traditional methods, which is especially important in construction conditions with limited deadlines.
  2. Surface Quality:
    • The machines ensure high precision and smoothness of the coating, which is a key factor for successful installation of various floor coverings.
  3. Save Resources:
    • Mechanized semi-dry screed requires less water, which not only saves resources, but also speeds up the drying process.
  4. Solid Foundations:
    • Modern compositions provide high strength and resistance to mechanical influences, creating long-lasting substrates.
  5. Automated Quality Control:
    • Many systems are equipped with sensors and automatic control systems, eliminating the human factor and guaranteeing high quality of work.

Technological Process Of Mechanized Semi-Dry Screed:

  1. Preparation Of The Base:
    • Cleaning the surface of dust and debris, repairing damaged areas.
  2. Setting Limiters:
    • Installation of special limiters that determine the height of the future screed.
  3. Preparation Of The Mixture:
    • Preparation of construction equipment using modern technologies and high-quality components.
  4. Applying The Mixture:
    • Automated machines precisely and evenly distribute the mixture over the surface.
  5. Manual Correction:
    • Manual correction is performed in areas that require additional care.
  6. Quality Control:
    • Control of layer thickness, absence of defects and compliance with requirements.
  7. Drying out:
    • After the work is completed, the screed is left to dry, creating a strong and even coating.

Application Of Mechanized Semi-Dry Screed:

This method is widely used in the construction of residential, commercial and industrial facilities. It is ideal for creating a base before laying various floor coverings, such as ceramic tiles, laminate, linoleum and others.


We are proud to provide advanced mechanized semi-dry floor screed technology. Our goal is to provide customers with reliable, high-quality and innovative solutions to create the perfect foundation. Contact us to bring your construction projects to life using advanced mechanized floor screed technologies.


Frequently Asked questions and answers.

The time required to put furniture on a mechanized floor screed in Bratsk depends on several factors, including the type of construction compound used, the thickness of the screed layer, climatic conditions and manufacturer's recommendations. Here are some general recommendations:
  1. Type of construction equipment:
    • Different screed formulations may have different drying and curing times. For example, cement-sand compositions may require a longer time.
  2. Screed layer thickness:
    • Thicker layers of screed usually require additional time to dry completely. It is recommended to consider the layer thickness when determining the waiting time.
  3. Climatic conditions:
    • Indoor temperature, humidity and ventilation also affect the drying time of the screed. Warmer and drier conditions usually encourage rapid drying.
  4. Manufacturer's recommendations:
    • It is always important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the screed material used. Manufacturers often provide information about the time required for their product to fully cure and dry.
It is usually recommended to wait at least 24-72 hours after the screed process is complete before starting to install furniture. However, this time may vary depending on the aforementioned factors. It is important to remember that the acceleration of the drying process, such as the use of heat or ventilation, should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and specialists. Attention to these details will help avoid problems with the future condition of the floor and furniture.
Watering the mechanized screed with water after pouring depends on the type of construction compound used. In general, many modern screed formulations do not require watering with water after pouring. However, it is always important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific material you are using. Here are some general recommendations::
  1. Following instructions:
    • Carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer of the construction compound. They usually indicate the need or lack of watering after pouring.
  2. Type of construction equipment:
    • Some formulations may contain components that dry better without additional water exposure, while others may require moistening to cure properly.
  3. Climatic conditions:
    • Climatic conditions in the construction area may affect the drying process. In dry and hot conditions, hydration may be more important.
  4. Temperature:
    • Some building compounds can dry better at certain temperatures. Humidifying at elevated temperatures can help prevent excessive drying.
If the manufacturer's instructions do not explicitly require watering after pouring, and the composition is intended for self-drying, then additional moistening may be optional. It is important to take into account that improper wetting or lack of it can affect the quality and strength of the screed. Therefore, it is always recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions and, if necessary, consult with construction professionals.
Covering a mechanized screed with a film after pouring may depend on several factors, including the type of construction compound used, climatic conditions, and manufacturer's recommendations. Here are some general considerations:
  1. Type of construction equipment:
    • Some construction compounds may require covering with a film to retain moisture and optimize the drying process. Other trains, on the contrary, may not require this step.
  2. Climatic conditions:
    • In an area with unfavorable climatic conditions, such as strong sunlight or high temperatures, covering with a film can help prevent excessive drying.
  3. Manufacturer's recommendations:
    • It is important to always follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the building material used. Instructions usually specify specific steps, including whether or not to cover with plastic wrap.
  4. Air humidity:
    • In low-humidity environments, covering with a film can help maintain the necessary moisture levels for the drying process.
If the instructions do not provide clear information about whether to cover the mechanical screed with a film, it is recommended to consult the material manufacturer or the construction engineer. They can provide specific recommendations based on site conditions and the characteristics of the material used. It is also important to take into account that improper covering or lack of covering with a film can affect the quality and strength of the screed, so you should follow the recommendations of professionals and the manufacturer.
Mechanized floor screed in Bratsk can be performed with or without reinforcement, depending on various factors, such as the type of construction compound used, structural requirements, characteristics of the room and the loads that will be exerted on it. Here are a few considerations::
  1. Type of construction equipment:
    • Some floor screed construction compounds may contain reinforcing components such as fiberglass, polypropylene, or metal mesh. In such cases, additional reinforcement may not be required.
  2. Load and Purpose of the Room:
    • If the room assumes high loads or is part of an industrial facility, then reinforcement can be recommended to increase the strength of the screed and improve its ability to resist mechanical influences.
  3. Layer Thickness Requirements:
    • Depending on the design requirements and building codes, a certain screed thickness may be required. In the case of a significant layer thickness, especially when using traditional cement compositions, reinforcement can be recommended to prevent cracks.
  4. Room Conditions:
    • In areas with a changeable climate, where temperature and humidity changes are possible, reinforcement can help reduce the likelihood of cracks and deformations in the screed.
  5. Manufacturer's Specifications:
    • It is recommended to carefully study the recommendations and technical characteristics of the building material used. The manufacturer can specify the need for reinforcement in specific conditions.
Before making a decision on the need for reinforcement of a mechanized floor screed, it is recommended to consult with an engineer or a construction specialist. They can evaluate specific project conditions and provide recommendations that meet specific requirements and regulations.
Time required to start laying tiles on the mechanized floor. floor screed in Bratsk, it depends on several factors, including the type of construction compound used, the thickness of the screed layer, the climatic conditions, and the tile manufacturer's recommendations. Here are some general guidelines::
  1. Type of construction equipment:
    • Different screed formulations have different drying characteristics. For example, some formulations may be ready for tile installation in a short time, while others may require a longer time.
  2. Screed layer thickness:
    • The thickness of the screed layer also affects the drying time. Thicker layers usually take longer to fully cure.
  3. Climatic conditions:
    • Indoor temperature and humidity and external climatic conditions can significantly affect the drying time of the screed. Warmer and drier conditions usually encourage rapid drying.
  4. Tile manufacturer's recommendations:
    • Ceramic tile manufacturers often provide recommendations regarding the waiting time before laying tiles. These recommendations should be strictly followed.
In general, after the mechanized floor screed process is completed with the initial drying step, it may take several days before the screed is fully ready for tile installation. However, the exact time may vary depending on the specific project conditions. It is also important to remember that the recommendations of manufacturers of building materials and tiles should be the primary guide, and in case of doubt, it is always worth consulting with construction professionals.
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